Expert Tips To Protect Your Health From Wildfire Smoke
In this article, Forbes highlights Quicksilver Scientific’s PushCatch Liver Detox® as a top detox product that cues toxin release and elimination and may help support bodily detoxification after exposure to wildlife smoke.
When discussing tips for general detoxification from wildlife smoke, Forbes states:
"Though the term “cleanse” is often met with skepticism, known exposure to airborne toxins makes liver support and bodily detoxification relevant. These supplement protocols typically include ingredients that cue the body’s release of toxins, followed up by what is called a “binder,” an important step that absorbs toxins to facilitate their bodily elimination. Always make sure to drink plenty of water, especially when “detoxing.” (Sometimes people initially feel worse as the toxins are first released—a phenomenon associated with antimicrobial agents called the Herxheimer reaction—which is why your binder and hydration are especially important.)
For a pre-made system, Dr. Musavvir recommends the patented Quicksilver Scientific PushCatch Liver Detox system."
To read the full article on Forbes, click here.